I call this my Adventure to the Unisex Bathroom... It's not dirty in anyway. It is just... a little bit frightening and I laugh very hard every time I think about it.
There are certain things that happen in life that deserve to be told. This... is probably not one of those moments. But regardless, it's too good to keep to myself. You see, I was happily shopping with my mother-in-law at a certain St. George fabric store when I had the urge to saunter off to find a restroom to... have my devotions with the porcelain god. After randomly looking, I find the not-so-inviting Public Unisex bathroom. It has two stalls, both of which are empty. I have my pick of the litter and so I take the one with the lock that actually works. I proceed to have my... devotions. Meanwhile, I get a text on my phone so I proceed to answer that at the same time. Of course... I hear the door to said Unisex bathroom open and someone wanders on in to the next stall. I continue to text quietly. I then hear the tell-tale zip of a zipper and glance over to see this person's sneaker under the stall's flimsy partition. This sneaker is facing the toilet. It is facing the toilet because HE is about ready to let loose. So besides being a little weirded out that some fella is next to me having his quick devotions to the neighboring porcelain god, I am also hoping he isn't the serial psycho killer type. So I am veeeery quiet at this point and just wait for him to leave. He finishes. I am still waiting. He flushes and goes to wash his hands. I wait some more and finish my texting. He finally hear him start to leave. I am relieved! Until he
turns off the lights on his way out the door. O_o He didn't even
KNOW I was in there!!! It is now pitch black in the joyful Unisex Bathroom. I can only see by the glow of my phone. I quickly finish my text, send it... and hope no one comes in to see the lonesome and awkward cell phone glow under the stall...