Thursday, June 2, 2011


Between trying to get ready to open my booth at the Little Brick House and also preparing for the yard sale... we have also started a garden! Our neighbors have graciously allowed us to use their backyard for gardening purposes. They are leaving for the Summer and want to have a garden when they get back. My husband is stoked and I am... well... I grew up in a desert. My idea of gardening has always been to go and chuck out giant rocks just so we could get the seeds down. So it was a new experience to me to have lovely soil to work with. My husband is the green thumb and I am just learning.

He is so happy to play in the dirt! I, on the other hand, am often too prissy for this and I hate dirt under my nails. I really hate it. But I did find a tip for that the other day in a magazine (sorry, I don't know which one!) and I was going to take pictures but I don't think anyone is interested in seeing my dirty nails... so here it is in brief.

How to keep the dirt out from under your nails when gardening:
Get a bar of soap. Scratch the soap with your nails so the residue is stuck under your nails. Slip on gardening gloves and get to work! When you're finished, the dirt will have cluttered on the soap and you can simply rinse it out. Tada! Clean! I approve. My husband doesn't care and just has fun in the dirt.

We found an ant nest by the area we wanted to plant herbs. The larvae is gross and fascinating at the same time! *shudder*

Want to see something else that's gross? I know you do!

EWWWWWW! I have never seen a worm this big in my LIFE. (Remember, desert rat talking here?) My darling husband picks it up with a grin and quite nonchalantly says "Yeah, this is about normal for a worm." O_O Yes, dear.

Here is my contribution towards the garden. I obtained the paint sticks so we could label everything with them. The itty bitty tags neeever ever stay so these are sure to do much better. Funny story with the paint sticks though... I know that Walmart has them for free. And I know that I can just take them and leave. But I felt so awkward grabbing two giant handfuls of these things! So I pretended to be on the phone with my husband and arguing about paint as I walked out past the Walmart greeter. Yes... I am that pathetic.

Aaaahh the sun sets on a successful day with the whole garden planted full of tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, squashes, peppers, a whole melon patch and several different herbs. As our brother-in-law said... "Watering a garden never looked so studly."

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